Monday, December 12, 2011

Joyous Treasures

A precious gift from a friend

A good friend brought this icon back from her trip to Greece. Covered in a multitude of small crystals, the it shimmers in the dimmest light. Only the faces and hands are left uncovered, drawing your attention the the intimacy and humanity of the image. Here, Mary holds her precious child Jesus close to her chest as the deep connection between mother and child is shown. Luke, the Gospel writer tells us that in the midst of the holy birth, "Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart." Mary gives us a precious example to follow in the busyness of our lives. We too, can pause experience the treasures that surround us as we draw near to God. May the joyous treasures of life, love and peace be yours this Christmas season.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Present for the Present

Christmas presents are a great reminder that life is a gift.

Commercialism can obscure the real meaning of the holidays, but when gifts are given for the right reasons, they can be powerful reminders that life is a gift, a gift to be shared. While the classic comment, "it is the thought that counts," may not always be seem accurate, big and expensive presents are really no substitute for gifts given from the heart. The size of the package and the quality of the wrapping are always second place to the relationship the gift represents. Presents are a part of the Christmas celebration, but Christmas is so much more that just presents. It is a time to share love, joy and peace. It is a time to share ourselves with others and build community with one another, and that makes it a wonderful way to change the world.